Editorial Service
- Editor of IISE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering, June 2018~May 2021.
- Department Editor of IISE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering, 2007~present.
- Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 2007~present.
- Associate Editor of Technometrics 2009~2012.
- Associate Editor of Journal of Quality Technology 2007~2009.
- Associate Editor of International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 2005-2008.
- Editorial Board of IISE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering 2002~2007.
- Co-Editors of Two Special Issues of International Journal of Flexible ManufacturingSystems, 2003 and 2004.
Service in Professional Societies
- Elected Vice President, INFORMS for International Activities, January 2010~December 2013.
- Elected President, Quality Control and Reliability Engineering Division (QCRE) of IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineers), May 2007~May 2008.
- President-Elect, Quality Control and Reliability Engineering Division (QCRE) of IIE, 2006~2007.
- Chair Elect, Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) Subdivision of INFORMS, 2005. Board Member, Quality Control & Reliability Engineering Community (QCRE) of IIE 2004~2005.
- Member, ASQ Brumbaugh Award Committee, 2008~present.
- Member, INFORMS Subdivision Council, 2008~2009.
- Member, INFORMS Marketing Strategy Committee, 2007~2008.
- Elected Chairperson, Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) Subdivision of INFORMS, 2006.
- Council Member, Quality, Statistics, and Reliability Subdivision (QSR) of INFORMS November 2003~2005.
Cluster/Track/Panel Organizer
- Organizer/Chair of panel session “Industry 4.0 Opportunities for Integrative Decisions in Smart anufacturing,” INFORMS International Conference, June 17-20, 2018, Taipei.
- Cluster Chair, International Activities Cluster, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, October 5-9, 2013.
- Co-Organizer/Chair of panel session of “Overview of INFORMS and Analytics Initiatives,” INFORMS International Conference, Beijing, China, June 24-27, 2012.
- Cluster Chair, INFORMS International Activities Cluster, INFORMS International Conference, Beijing, China, June 24-27, 2012.
- Cluster Chair, INFORMS International Activities Cluster, Annual INFORMS 2011 Conference, Charlotte, NC, November 13-16, 2011.
- Co-program Chair, the First International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering, Beijing, China, July 13-15, 2009.
- Co-Track Chair, Quality Control and Reliability Engineering Track (with 18 sessions) at Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference 2007, Nashville, TN, May 2007.
- Co-Organizer/Chair of panel session “10 Years Anniversary for the QSR Section: Past, Current and Future,” Annual INFORMS Conference, Pittsburgh, November 5-8, 2006.
- Cluster Chair, Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) cluster (with 36 sessions) at Annual INFORMS Conference, San Francisco, November 13-16, 2005.
- Co-Track Chair, Quality Control and Reliability Track (with 17 sessions) at Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 14-18, 2005.
- Co-Cluster Chair, Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR) cluster (with 23 sessions) at INFORMS Annual Conference, Denver, October 24-27, 2004.
- Co-Track Chair, Quality and Reliability Track at Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference (with 22 sessions), Houston, May 16-18, 2004.
- Organizer/Chair of the panel discussion session “Journal Editor’s View: Current Status and Future Trend in Quality, Statistics, and Reliability Research and Implementations,” Annual INFORMS Conference, San Jose, November 17-20, 2002.
Membership in Professional Societies
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fellow.
- Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), Fellow.
- International Institute of Statistics (ISI), Fellow.
- American Society for Quality (ASQ), senior member.
- Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS).
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)